What Does Free Presbyterian Mean?
What Does Free Presbyterian Mean?
The “Free” in our name refers to the fact that when our denomination was formed we broke free from a Presbyterian denomination which was heavily influenced by liberal theology and had left their historic stand. The “Free” emphasises our liberty to stand without compromise for Christ in a day when there is a lot of compromise on important truths. Being “Free” we seek to stand resolutely for Christ, in proclaiming the gospel. For us freedom is freedom to be holy, observing both personal and ecclesiastical separation unto the Lord.
“Presbyterian” may seem like a strange word but it simply refers to a church governed by elders (who are spiritually qualified men chosen by the Lord to shepherd the congregations). “Presbyterian” churches are interdependent meaning that each of our local congregations are closely connected and dependent upon each other. Elders of each congregation regularly gather to address the spiritual and practical needs of the denomination. The beauty of Presbyterian government is that no one individual is beyond oversight, but each congregation, or individual, inclusive of elders, is is under the authority of the Church as governed by Christ, our sole Head.