A Prayer for Today

A Prayer for Today by Ineke

Dear Lord,

Like everyone I’m worried and afraid

I’m not sure what the future holds with this virus that no one can predict.

It worries me that even though I am doing my best, it may not be enough to stop me or my loved ones suffering or even dying.

I ask for Your forgiveness for not trusting You enough and letting myself become more fearful than I need to be, for I know You are in control, as Your word reminds me that You “are a very present help in the day of trouble” even as You have proven over and over.

Father, You have promised never to leave us or forsake us. We need You now like never before.

I humbly ask for your protection for my family, friends and my community, and for all people around the world.

I ask You will especially be near to those affected by this deadly scourge. Fill them with your peace, let them know You are in control and turn to You for healing.

I pray Father for Your empowering for those treating the sick; there are so many needing their skill and they are human, they are tired, stressed and overwhelmed. Give them the strength to carry on and the knowledge and abilities for their difficult tasks.

I also pray Lord for those in authority, who need to make decisions about the way forward. May they seek Your will and honour You in their determinations.

May Your people shine Your truth and light clearly and brightly through these dark and worrying times to draw people to You.

Father, may Your kingdom increase; may Your name be honoured and may we live to Your glory

In Jesus’ precious Name



                                                                       CONTENTMENT by Ineke Cornish

Recently I read story of a rich employer who heard one of his employees say “If I had $1000 I’d be perfectly content. He drew out his chequebook and wrote her a cheque for $1000 saying he’d always wanted to meet someone who was perfectly content. As he walked away he heard her mutter ‘I wish I’d asked for $2000!”

It’s not an uncommon reaction sadly…. So often the desire for more (eg. money, power, status, popularity, etc) drives our motivation and ambition. We strive to be successful and competitive, thinking that if we achieve a particular goal we’d be content. In fact the opposite is usually true and we hear time and again heart breaking stories of very successful artists, athletes, leaders, entrepreneurs who realize that all their success has not brought them the contentment or security they hoped for.Continue reading


Are you a worrier? Do you fret and lose sleep through worrying?

There are so many things in today’s busy and challenging society that can cause stress – finances, relationships, work or lack of it, health, children, and the list goes on. With the demands of modern life not many of us can escape feeling overwhelmed at times.Continue reading